This Mom Farted In Yoga Class And Her Hilarious Story Is Getting Viral


It is true that getting in shape is not that easy. Be it men or women, you have to test your limits in order to be your aesthetic best. One might leave the gym or the yoga class just because of frustration but this story is a little different one. This mom has a story which is completely one of a kind and she reached her breaking point. Yes, she farted in the yoga class and it’s as embarrassing as anything.

Laura Mazza, a “Mum On The Run” blogger posted on Facebook about what happened to her when she went to the yoga class for the first time. Lately, this mom had a muscle separation and the doctors advised her to join a yoga class to get in shape. Instead, she just got embarrassed on the first go and she now promises herself to never go back to the yoga class ever.

“Somewhere between the dolphin position and the three legged dog, two of those burning garbage eggs slip out and I fart,” Laura Mazza, the mom, wrote. “I farted. I farted at yoga. I’m a walking cliche. My pelvic floor has failed me.”

At least, it was lucky for her that nobody could hear her or smell the fart. After all, lately it smelled like a mixture of rotten egg and an incineration plant. This was the first time the mom farted in the yoga class and she took it very positively by saying to herself that everybody farts and that’s not a big thing at all. Probably this was the worst decision she ever made in her life. Reading the story in full about this mom would let you know why.

mom farted in yoga class

Here’s exactly what she posted on Facebook!

Mom farted in yoga class

Mom farted in yoga class

Mom farted in yoga class

Mom farted in yoga class

Mom farted in yoga class

Mom farted in yoga class

Mom farted in yoga class

Mom farted in yoga class

Mom farted in yoga class

Mom farted in yoga class

Mom farted in yoga class

Mom farted in yoga class


That was the whole post which Laura Mazza posted on Facebook. It did not take much time to go viral on the internet. Courtesy for it goes completely to the hilarious incident.


Mom farted in yoga class

I just can’t deny the fact that this is one of the most cringe worthy incidents I have come across. A complete disaster is what you call it and nobody would want to go back to that place after such an embarrassing moment. The mom literally farted twice in total, while she was imitating some yoga positions.

Story Credits: Facebook


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