Mysterious UFO Sightings That Cannot Be Neglected


UFOs are not a new phenomenon and people have reported frequent sightings of such events. They claim UFOs as disc-like objects some of which even have the ability to cause atmospheric changes. A number of people, however, accept their encounter with the extraterrestrials themselves. But contradictorily, there are certain researchers who neglect the fact of their existence. Even scientists consider the fact that alien existence is plausible and that these extraterrestrial beings resembles the form of humans, but looks horrifying. Here are some mysterious UFO sightings that people ever reported.


1. Eiffel Tower, Paris (1953)

Mysterious UFO Sightings That Cannot Be Neglected

M. Paulin captured two disc-like objects flying above the Eiffel Tower at around 4 am in the morning. The observation attracted the attention of the science enthusiasts.


2. Phoenix, USA (1947)

Mysterious UFO Sightings That Cannot Be Neglected

William Rhodes of Arizona photographed what he claimed to be a spaceship. The said UFO seen in the picture had a circular front end and a pointing tail. Though questions were raised against the image, but experts found it to be authentic.

3. Lubbock, Texas (1951)

Mysterious UFO Sightings That Cannot Be Neglected

An 18-year old student Carl Hart Jr. Took this photo using his Kodak camera. He captured a set of strange lights which was claimed by him as a mysterious object. A number of other people also reported such sightings on the same day.


4. The Outer Hebrides, Scotland (1947)

Mysterious UFO Sightings That Cannot Be Neglected

The year 1947 witnessed one of the mysterious UFO sightings in Outer Hebrides, Scotland. The photo depicts a metallic double layered mysterious object floating on air. The strange appearance convinced people to claim it as a legit UFO.


5. Seattle, Washington (1947)

Mysterious UFO Sightings That Cannot Be Neglected

Three days before William Rhodes captured the UFO, Frank Ryman took this photo which shows a bright disc-like object hovering over the sky.


6. Los Angeles, California (1952)

Mysterious UFO Sightings That Cannot Be Neglected

One of the most popular and mysterious UFO sightings were made in the year 1952 in Los Angeles, when several unidentified flying objects captured in the sky. People believe that it is a concrete proof to the UFO existence till date.


7. Passaic, New Jersey (1952)

Mysterious UFO Sightings That Cannot Be Neglected

Whirl George Stock was working on his yard, he saw a dome shaped object flying around. The photo captured by him is clear and is considered one of the best early UFO discovery.

8. Southern California (1957)

Mysterious UFO Sightings That Cannot Be Neglected

A naval officer S.S Ramsey claimed to have spotted a unidentifiable object across the sky. As a proof for the world, he took a photo of the said UFO before it vanished. The image was found to be authentic.


9. Cave Junction, Oregon (1926)

Mysterious UFO Sightings That Cannot Be Neglected

This photo was taken in 1926 by a volunteer fireman. Although the authenticity of this image is still unclear, but people who believe it to be authentic tag it as one of the most incredible UFO sighting.


10. Morristown, New Jersey (1947)

Mysterious UFO Sightings That Cannot Be Neglected

When an editor named John H. Janssen was flying his own plane on July 10, he saw six luminous objects with rings around them. Thinking they might be UFOs, John took this photo immediately.


11. Salem, Massachusetts (1952)

Mysterious UFO Sightings That Cannot Be Neglected

A USCG coastguard Shel Apert saw four bright lights in the sky. Refused to believe what is happening, he called in his fellow seamen to make sure what he is witnessing is right. Before the lights dimmed, Shel was able to capture a photograph.


12. Air Force Base, Mexico (1957)

Mysterious UFO Sightings That Cannot Be Neglected

While driving on the Highway 54, Ella Louise Fortune saw a motionless UFO entity across the sky. It was afternoon time when she witnessed this bright object above the Holloman Air Force Base.

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