Illustrations That Clearly Show There Is Definitely Something Wrong With This World.


When you hear the world, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Is it the people, society, different countries, different races? You may think any of these but let’s agree that it’s getting worse day by day. It’s not getting any better and we all need to work together to make it a better place. If you still don’t agree with us, after showing the pictures listed below, you would definitely say that there is something wrong with society. Here in this article, we have collated several illustrations from different artists that clearly show there is something wrong with us.

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Here are the illustrations that prove there is something wrong with this world. Let’s take a look!

1. Isn’t this the case with a lot of people these days?

illustrations showing something wrong with world


2. Go ahead and judge me for this but this is true. How many of you agree with this?

illustrations showing something wrong with world


3. This is deep. Did you get it?

illustrations showing something wrong with world


4. So, what mask do you need for today?

illustrations showing something wrong with world


5. Be careful before trusting anyone.

illustrations showing something wrong with world


6. This is how one gets brainwashed and struggle to make a personal opinion.

illustrations showing something wrong with world


7. The only days when you actually start living 

illustrations showing something wrong with world


8. iLove. When you become a slave of technology.

illustrations showing something wrong with world


9. That’s how you enjoy a beautiful morning.

illustrations showing something wrong with world


10. This is everyone’s reaction when you do something non-electronic in today’s world.

illustrations showing something wrong with world


11. You often don’t see what happens in the background.

illustrations showing something wrong with world


12. At least they are getting along.

illustrations showing something wrong with world


13. Dating in today’s world.

illustrations showing something wrong with world


14. You are not reading this in the toilet. Are you?

illustrations showing something wrong with world


What do you think of these illustrations? These brutally honest illustrations perfectly depict what’s wrong with our society and how it’s getting worse day by day. Do let us know what you think of these illustrations and if you liked it, share it with your friends and connections. I’m sure they would find it very relatable.

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