This Is What It’s Like To Date A 74-year-old Man!


It is truly said the “Love knows no boundaries.” at least when it comes to having a significant age difference. Well, would you believe me if I told you that somebody thinks that it’s absolutely okay to date a 74-year-old man? Yup, you definitely read that right!


This 21-year-old girl thinks that dating a 74-year-old year man has its own perks. I really can’t imagine what the “perks” are, but I guess you and I are both eager to find out her revelations to what it’s like to date somebody who is way older than you!


Milijana Bogdanovic is a 21-year-old woman who is apparently dating a man who is as old as her grandfather. But, she has been quite open about the romantic relationship she has.

The 74-year-old Milijko Bovic is the man she is dating, the couple is known by the name Mikan and is head over heels in love with each other.

Despite the humongous age gap between the two they are already engaged to be married and are really happy in their relationship.

Their love blossomed when Milijana used to go over to his house to look after him when he was sick.


She said that she’s always been attracted to older men and younger men never really caught her attention.

She doesn’t care what other people have to say about the two, according to her Milojko is somebody who perfectly fits her ideal soulmate description. She said that Milojko is somebody who she has to own all her life and he is perfectly fine for her.

Despite undergoing heart surgery last year their love held strong through the periods of struggle.

Milojko shows a lot of enthusiasm and has an adventurous spirit and that is what Milijana loves the most about him.

Milojko has three kid from his first marriage of ages 30, 35 and 40 and also has two grandchildren of ages 11 and 13. Milijana loves them all a lot and they too are supportive of their father’s and his fiance’s decision.

Milojko too has a lot to say about his younger fiance, he said that he was attracted to Milijana’s kindness and beauty. He knew her since she was a child but hadn’t thought about her in a romantic way to date. But, now he’s happy to have her as his life partner.


They are now planning to go to the registry office to tie the knot since the local church doesn’t allow couples with an age gap that exceeds 15 years. Though Milijana’s parents are disappointed with her for her dating choices. But that is not a good enough reason to make her leave the love of her life.


read also: How Well Do You Know The Difference Between Love and Lust?


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