20 Sarcastic Texts On Their Faces That Ruled The Internet


Everybody has some friends on their contact list who are the master of Sarcasm. Whatever text you send them, it may be serious , it may be a mundane text but you will always get a sarcastic reply. These sarcastic texts are just hilarious and will make you laugh like crazy. We have got some of the hilarious sarcastic texts which will work for you as a medicine of happiness.

Here are the most sarcastic texts ever. Read all of them and give yourself some time to laugh.

1. That Confidence

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The person was surely not expecting this reply after sending that text.

2. Correction of the Nazis xD

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He is doing it better than the auto correct function in the cellphone.

3. That Hurts

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Loving is the second thing, he needs to learn the spellings first  😛


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