Meet These 14 People Who Are Really Embarrassed About The Things They’ve Done. 


Ever did something you regret? Something that you’re still embarrassed about? I’m sure it’s bad but is it as bad as these people and their mistakes? Take a look.

Also Read: 12 Tampon Horror Stories That’ll Make You Cringe! 

1. It Looks Like A Paper Trail. A Toilet Paper Trail. 

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Jeez, lady, those heels looked awesome but you had to ruin it didn’t you?

2. Wow. You Must Have Been Very Embarrassed About That Accidental revelation Jimmy. 

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Listen up, people! If you’re stalking someone then make sure you don’t leave a trail. Even a toilet paper one.

3. Is It Too Late To Ask For A Refund Amazon? 

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He even rolled up his jeans the way I did. What a cheat.

4. So This Happened: Guy At The Gynaecologist’s Clinic Thought This Was The logo of the Texas Longhorn.  

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And he asked the gynecologist if he was a Texas Longhorn fan. Must have been so embarrassed to know that this was a uterus.

5. I Don’t Care How Long The Relationship Was. If My Partner Proposes To Me Like This Then It Better Be A Prank. ’cause If Isn’t, I’m Walking Out. 

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This has to be the shittiest proposal ever. What wrong with you people?

6. No Regrets Biatch.

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How dumb can people be? Did he have this bigass disgraceful tattoo on his arm just for a joke?

7. If You Aren’t Leaving The Party In An Ambulance, Then Are You Even Taking It Seriously? 

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Bonus points if it’s a ride to the morgue.

8. When You Want To Grow A Manly Beard But You End Being Embarrassed by Your Idiocy On Social Media Due To One Damn Watermark. 

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I like to think that most people on social media are fake.

9. I’ve Got Nunchucks And A Throwing Star. Bitch.

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What the fuck are you looking at?

10. Everyone Sat Down? Why The Fuck Did Nobody Say Anything? Piece Of Shit! 

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She was so embarrassed by herself and all the people were like “Meh”.

11. Oh. That’s Grade A Military Class Camouflage People. 

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You don’t wanna fuck with Lieutenant Subway here.

12. Is That Unnecessary And Annoying E A Cry For Help? 

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If you look at it long enough, you’ll forget the correct spelling of married.

13. Smartphones Opened Up The World. To Dumb People. 

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Who can’t even comprehend where they’re going.

14. Men: Women Suck At Parking. 

      Women: Hold My Beer. 

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Congrats! The whole parking lot was vacant and you still managed to make a fool out of yourself.


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