You Can Easily Improve Your Photography Skills With These Genius Hacks


You will not have to take photography courses or spend lots of money to buy equipment to capture mind-blowing pictures. These simple DIY hacks will increase your photography skills in minutes.

1. Fairy lights are the new trend

improve photography skills


You can always at fairy lights to your pictures to make them lit.

2. Change your perception

improve photography skills


The angles and the distance of the subject can make a lot of difference.

3. The best way to take a top view

improve photography skills


improve photography skills


You don’t need to drill your wall and attach a holder there to take top shots. You can just DIY cardboard to hold your phone.

4. Want to remove the crowd from your best landscape shot?

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Follow the easy steps to Photoshop them out of the picture.

5. Obsessed with heart-shaped bokeh effect?

improve photography skills


Just cut out cardboard in the shape of a heart and stick it to your lens.

6. Create your own Macro Lens

improve photography skills


Attach your lens through the toilet paper roll and you are good to go.

7. Want a natural filter to your pictures?

improve photography skills


Click them through your sunglasses.

8. Make your photos appear soft with Vaseline

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Someone who doesn’t even have photography skills can ace this shot. Smear some Vaseline on a plastic bag and tie it to your lens.

9. That window shadow

improve photography skills


If you are a big fan of shadows, cut out different shapes on cardboards and get the effect anywhere.

10. Tips for easy lens flares

improve photography skills


A CD can do wonders in creating flares.

11. Make your food look steamy

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Just place the food in front of a steamer.

12. The sparkling Ring of Fire

improve photography skills


Nothing looks better than the sparks of firecrackers in your photo.

13. The Lacy Affair

improve photography skills


This is a very good idea for your Instagram pictures and makes you look like you have great photography skills.

14. Hack for food bloggers

improve photography skills


It is very simple to achieve what your drinks will always look delicious.

15. Use Windows for a soft effect

improve photography skills


If you are a fan of soft photography try clicking pictures through window glasses.


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