The Amazon Rainforest Has Been Burning Continuously For 3 Weeks!


Forest fires are not that uncommon for vast forests like the Amazon but a fire that burns continuously for three weeks is very alarming for the forest as well as our environment.

Amazon Rainforest


A record number of 72,843 fires have been reported in Brazil this year alone!

A Raging Fire Storm That Refuses To Die Out

Amazon Rainforest


The Amazon Rainforest has had a very difficult year. Deforestation efforts had finally settled down in the forest when the fires started breaking out. In 2019 alone, the forest has observed an 80 percent increase in forest fires.

This Fire Will Have An Everlasting Impact To The Amazon Rainforest As Well As Our Planet.

Amazon Rainforest


A huge number of trees in the forest will turn to ashes due to the fire. The smoke coming from the fire will release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere along with carbon monoxide and other toxic gases.

The Amazon Rainforest Is Regarded As The Lungs Of The World

Amazon Rainforest


The Amazon Rainforest has earned this nickname due to the fact that it contributes around 20 percent of the entire earth’s oxygen. This fire will set us back decades in our fight against global warming and climate change.

Not Only That, The Amazon Forest Is Home To Various Plants And Animal Species Too!

Amazon Rainforest


This Rainforest is home to around 40,000 species of plants which includes 3000 species of fruits. The Amazon Rainforest is also home to around 400 species of mammals and an uncountable number of insects. Imagine how many of those might have been destroyed by the fire.

The Fire Is So Intense That It Covered The Neighbouring States In Smoke Miles Away

Amazon Rainforest


Local residents from Amazonas remarked that their day almost looked like night because of the ash-covered the whole sky which completely blocked out the sun.

The Smoke Spread So Far That Even NASA Could See It From Space

Amazon Rainforest


Various plumes of smoke can be observed looming over various states of Brazil in this satellite image released by NASA on August 11. This was more than a week ago.

The Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro Has Been Criticised By Environmentalists On Social Media For His Inability To Control The Fire

Amazon Rainforest


Some even alleged that he’s deliberately not doing anything as he wants to benefit the loggers, farmers and mining companies who helped him get elected.

Amazon Rainforest


Many people have urged for an investigation to be launched for the truth to come out.

More Than 1.5 Million Acres Of Tropical Forest Has Been Reduced To Ashes.

Amazon Rainforest


And the fire doesn’t seem to be stopping on its own.

Bolivia, A Neighbouring Country Which Is Also Being Affected By The Wildfire Is Taking Measures To Put Out The Fire

Amazon Rainforest


They’re employing SuperTankers 747 fire fighting planes to combat the fire and are confident that they will succeed in their mission. Let’s hope with everyone’s efforts, this nightmare ends soon.


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