Mum’s Extreme Preparation For Coronavirus Is Inspired By Zombie Movies!


Jemma Reed shares her survival plan against coronavirus!

This mother of three from Australia, shares her survival plan against the Coronavirus outbreak. Prevention is better than cure and thus its better being safe than sorry. She prepares for the worst case scenarios just in case, inspired by the typical zombie thrillers.


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People all across the world are doing whatever they can to protect themselves from the same. As the Coronavirus continues to spread rapidly, It seems that the fears on the Global Pandemic have risen as well. While we are protecting ourselves maintaining a stricter hygiene and pollution masks, This woman has gone to the extreme ends to keep her family safe and sound.


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Jemma Reed is stockpiling goods such as food, medicines and other everyday needs for an year use so as to be able to consume the same incase the nation falls into chaos. In spite of the fact that Jemma doesn’t feel that the infection will ever find a good pace. Here she should depend on these ingrained instincts, she says “with three children you can never be too safe.” Just as filling five of her pantries, with around 50 kilograms of rice and 50 kilograms of lentils. She has additionally loaded up on medicines and weapons however lawful ones.

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Her son is suffering from ADHD. Several companies importing the medicine to the country include China. If the borders do not open soon, She worries that her son might run out of medication.

She says,

“I have stocked up on the bare minimum, with 150 packets of Panadol, 150 packets of aspirin, 150 packets of Nurofen, antibiotics, and bandages, as well as asthma pumps. We’ve gone a little above and beyond when describing the vegetable seeds and fish tanks we recently bought to breed fish in.”


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