London’s First Ever Nak3d Restaurant – Take a look inside


Ever Imagined, had it been no clothes custom, How would it feel like.?

Well this new restaurant in London U.K took it seriously and launched the first ever naked restaurant  – ‘The Bunyadi‘ which is Hindi Origin name and means fundamental, The base or the core. It’s 42 people seater restaurant and already 46,000 registrations are made..!!

This restaurant created a buzz amidst people and everyone’s eager to give it a visit.

Well, it is not only famous for its naked policy but there’s a lot more to it. Scroll down to find out..!

1- Nudity Is Optional Here:

Naked restaurant

There will be two sections – ‘Clothed’ & ‘Unclothed’. The visitors will be given robes upon arrival, they can either take it off or wear it while dining. The robes will also act like cushion so that visitors are free of worrying about the place is already occupied by a naked butt that wasn’t theirs.

2- No Body shaming:





The staff wasn’t asked to strip naked while interviewing. This explains everything. No body shamers allowed..!!!


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