Delhi Samosa Seller Totally Slayed an Egoistic Manager With A Perfect Reply!


Who said utilising time means a high profile job or owning a business with an air conditioned office? A man tried to make fun of this Delhi samosa seller and the response he gave is worth salutations.

Delhi samosa seller


So, this particular Delhi samosa seller has his shop outside a seemingly sophisticated and huge company building. The samosas he sells are absolutely finger-licking good, which is the reason why there is always a good amount of people hogging around his shop during lunch time.

Delhi samosa seller


One regular afternoon, a manager from the company showed up at the shop. Noticing the way the samosa seller had maintained his workspace and kept everything arranged, the manager asked him out of disgust and pity, the reason for having a job as petty as his and not trying his hand on something else.

Delhi samosa seller



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