Did Anyone Ever Measure Your Wrists? 12 Reasons Why It Sucks Being Skinny


Not everybody is satisfied with what they have, many of them work hard to lose fat. Usually, People having a Plus size believes that being skinny feels awesome. Trust me, it’s a myth because being too skinny really sucks. There are some major problems which are being faced by super skinny people.

So here are some reasons why it sucks to be skinny.

People give you Numerous advice on “How to gain Fat.”
But they don’t know that you have done every possible thing, but anything just doesn’t work.

Reasons Why It Sucks To Be Skinny

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People are shocked when you say You’re a foodie.
I mean, common who says skinny people don’t eat much. Dude, believe it or not, but this is how metabolism works.

Reasons Why It Sucks To Be Skinny

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They are Always Cold.
Another reason for why it sucks because they often feel cold when other people are sweating. Yes, these are the People who use blankets even in summers.

Reasons Why It Sucks To Be Skinny

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