16 Hilarious Pregnancy Tweets That Will Surely Make You Lol Hard


Pregnancy is often believed as being the most glorious period in a woman’s life. But these pregnancy tweets will tell you a different story. Every woman out there will surely relate to these pregnancy tweets because it clearly sucks for some. Here are some pregnancy tweets that fully sympathize with the daily struggles of pregnant women that are never acknowledged or applauded. It is a little cost to pay to bring your happiness into this world yet it doesn’t feel like such a low cost when you can’t sneeze without peeing your jeans, or the chocolate getting lost between the belly and the breast or you keep hurling every morning.

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So here we have some pregnancy tweets that will make you realize how unfair the whole process of giving birth is!

1.Now, this is a real problem and frustrating too!

Hilarious pregnancy tweets

2.Oh! We totally understand what he meant

Hilarious pregnancy tweets

3.Just the hormones doing their job! Not your fault

Hilarious pregnancy tweets


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