13 Completely WTF Things People Used To Do To Babies


Babies are the source of entertainment in every house. Right? They are the attention seekers and also get it equally. They are cute so why now! People love them due to their innocence. But not everybody is like them, some are like me too. We do literally WTF things to babies just for the sole purpose of testing!

So let’s go down to see what kind of experiments we do for fun:

1. Paris was once called “the city without babies” because most newborns were sent out to the countryside to be wet-nursed.

wtf people do to babies


Wet nurses — women hired to nurse babies when the mother cannot or chooses not to do so — was very popular in the 18th century. So popular that, in 1780, only 700 of the 20,000 babies born that year weren’t wet-nursed. Not only that, but only about one out of every four babies stayed in the city to be wet-nursed; the rest were shipped out to the countryside, resulting in Paris’s dubious nickname.

2. And until the 20th century, babies were often nursed by LIVESTOCK like goats and donkeys.

wtf people do to babies


In fact, all kinds of animals, including sheep, cows, and horses were used, but goats were most preferable. To ensure a proper feeding, parents would place cradles right under the goats so babies could suck directly from the udders. The weirdest part? People reported that the goats could recognize the infants they were feeding(!) and would run over to “their” babies when they heard them crying for food.

3. People also thought tickling could severely damage a baby.

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And see now, most of us do this to make the babies laugh!

4. And in 1928, a psychologist recommended shaking hands with your baby as a morning greeting instead of a hug or a kiss.

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For years, people warned against touching your child too much or, in some cases, at all to avoid spreading germs. There is some sort of laws also in selected countries for not touching the baby too much.

5. In the early 1900s, people thought babies who sucked their thumbs would become chronic masturbators.

wtf people do to babies


To combat this, parents would pin the sleeves of babies’ nightgowns to their cribs to stop them from sucking in their sleep and make them wear gloves and mitts. I guess all the babies of that time were chronic masturbators.

6. Before modern baby bottles were invented, little ones would drink milk out of cow horns.

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The vessel was especially popular in medieval times. The shape seems like it would have been a little hard to set down, though.

7. Ancient Greeks fed newborns diets that included lots of wine.

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A Greek doctor from the second century said six months or older kids should eat semi-solid foods like breadcrumbs soaked in milk, meat, sweet wine, or wine sweetened with honey.

8. In ancient times, newborns were salted like meat to “harden” their soft skin.

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This was done by giving them a quick dip in the salty water before swaddling them. Couldn’t get any worse.

9. Instead of wearing diapers, many infants went bare-bottomed in the Middle Ages.

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The ones who did wear diapers underneath all of the swaddling clothes rarely got changed, which led to many constantly damp and dirty baby butts.

10. When swaddling fell out of favor centuries later, people recommended putting babies in the ice-cold water.

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That would be complete death for me.

11. The first incubator for premature babies was designed by a zoo director based on a version that was used for baby chicks.

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This was dated as old as 1878. From then, our technology has developed far too much.

12. In hospitals, doctors and nurses were so wary of touching babies too much that they fed them like gerbils in cages.

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“Prop feeding” meant that bottles were propped up so that they could suck milk out of them without having any human contact.

13. And baby cages, aka metal cages hanging out of windows that babies could play in, were all the rage in the 1930s.

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As an adult also I would be scared of something like that and for little kids! I’m pretty scared.

In all this was more than crazy than I expected and now I can say that those are not like me. These were traditions and not only experiments like I do.

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