13 Advantages That Makes Being Single The New Cool


Whenever you hear about someone being single, the idea of them having multiple advantages over the committed crowd seems impossible to you.  The first scenario that crops up in your mind is a sad person with a lonely existence without the spice of romance in their life. But we have a humble request-kindly delete that scenario, my friend because you can’t be more wrong! The life of divine singlehood is the latest ‘Awesome’ in town and we have all the reasons to make you nod in agreement.

1. Want to take 1 hour, 2 hours to get ready? Well, go for it!!

Because you have no one breathing down your neck, screaming at you to make it quick.

Being single advantages

2. Responsibility? What is that?

There isn’t any! You can go out whenever you like, you don’t have to call and inform the ‘higher in command.’

Being single advantages

3. Money, money, MONEY everywhere!

Because you don’t have to plan AND spend on every 1-month-anniversary, 1 year anniversary, birthday, blah, blah, blah.

Being single advantages

4. You are the sole King of your TV and the Pizza.

No fighting for the remote anymore, watch all you want and eat all you want, till when you want to. No restrictions!

Being single advantages

5. You’ve got the whole bed to yourself! No out-of-the-blue elbows to disturb your beauty sleep.

Time to let those legs know how big that bed actually is.

Being single advantages

6. You can flirt openly with the next attractive human being you see.

Hellloo handsome! *wink wink*

Being single advantages

7. Ditching the permanent fear of clearing your browsing history. FREE AT LAST!!

Because you checking out some pretty homo sapiens’s Facebook page might trigger your significant other’s “torture-you-to-death” mode.

Being single advantages

8. Conquering the world on your own. Hail Mogambo!

With the absence of someone you can shamelessly depend on, you have to actually ace the big bad world in your own style.

Being single advantages

9. Who is your best bestie in the world? YOU, dumb head!

That’s what being single makes you discover- finding solace in your own company.

Being single advantages

10. Movie time? Hell yeah!

… because every hour is yours to decide. Cheers!

Being single advantages

11. Of the many advantages of being single- the only person you have to spoil is yourself!

Want to splurge on a new pair of shoes? Or want to flaunt that black dress? Go ahead, it’s finally “ME” time!

Being single advantages

12. Pooping and farting without a single thought of what someone might think. Now is that heaven or what.

Shame? What is THAT?

Being single advantages

13. Fulfill your wanderlust, visit every nook and cranny your heart desires to see.

Make life the adventure you are the constant winner of. Be a pro at cashing-in on the advantages of this ‘being single’ phase.

Being single advantages

Being single is a gift that just keeps on giving super awesome advantages. It comes with more perks than you can imagine!

Also Read: These Hilarious Pictures Showing How Singles Tried To Enjoy Valentine Alone


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