15 Signs You And Your Boyfriend Are Too Cute To Handle!


Relationships are all about love. And when you find your significant one life becomes complete. Nothing can replace the charm of a caring and loving boyfriend. You’re blessed if you find these signs in your relationship. Because not everybody is lucky enough to be showered with the blessing of Love. In this cute world, there are only a few girls who get a boyfriend who is too cute to handle! Such a boyfriend complete their whole world and help grow their belief in love.

Here are the 12 signs that show you and your boyfriend are extremely cute to handle. If you get such a cute boyfriend, Never let him go. I repeat. Never! In a world full of playboys, such a boyfriend is quite a task to find. So have a sharp look for these signs to see if your relationship is perfect enough. If yes, then make a plan to handle your boyfriend and keep him with you forever.

1. You complete each other’s sentences.signs boyfriend handle


2. Most of your responses are in plural, ‘we love this, we traveled to XYZ place’

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3. You both steal glances every now and then when you’re out with a group of friends.

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4. And of course, both of you call each other by nicknames, even in front of others.

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5. Only you both find each other’s sense of humor incredibly awesome.

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6. Cuddling, snuggling up with each other and watching a movie in bed is your idea of the ‘perfect date’

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7. You two tend to zone out when speaking to each other and it is as if you are the only two people on this planet.

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8. Both your hands somehow always tend to find their way to each other.

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9. You are that couple that makes all the friends around you go ‘Awww’

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10. Hello PDA, cause you two just can’t keep your hands off of each other.

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11. Sometimes, you two are even color coordinated when you go out.

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12. You put up mushy, cutesy statuses and photographs with each other on social media and are pretty vocal about your dating anniversaries.

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13. You both have a song that is ‘your song’. And every time it plays, you both get very excited.

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14. And when you are not with him, you are constantly in touch through texts and snaps.

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15. Also, sometimes you feed each other food. In public too.

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Also read: 12 Hilarious Date Ideas For Super Couples Who Want Fun


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