7 Unconventional Approaches Boys Could Take To Keep The Conversation Going!


Try out these approaches to keep the conversation going with the girl you like!

Over decades, this has been the prime concern of our Roadside Romeos. So much in the head but little to speak! Here are few tips for all the boys out there who’re new in this game. Just skip the conventional talks and have some ‘real’ ones with your ladies *wink* :-

1) Movies or romcoms… anything would go…..

Who doesn’t need entertainment in our 9 to 5 lives…?? We all do. Try to know what kind of movies she likes to watch and what kind of genres she’s interested in. Try and discuss the climax of the movies of her interest or even the twists and turns of her favorite romcoms. So that next time when you two plan to go out for a movie, you don’t end up getting tickets of ‘The Avengers’ for your romantic movies lover girl!

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2) Hobby talks are okay…. but no typical “What’re your hobbies?” questions!

Try to find things in which both of you’re interested and try to know more about the things of each others’ interests too. Tell her how much you love playing your guitar and ask her to make you learn how to paint! These sweet gestures would woo her for sure. Moreover, you can also plan a date which involves doing such things. Trust us you’re going to enjoy much more on these than on those typical candlelight dinner dates!

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