12 Bizarre Insect Defense Mechanisms That Will Make You Feel Surprised


Every insect is surrounded by predators all the time. As a result, they always have to be aware of the surroundings and need to be ready with a lot of defence mechanisms. After all, they are so tiny that they have no other option than to devise their own defense mechanisms and be tough. Their defense mechanisms are just so bizarre yet amazing and effective at the same time. Afterall, survival is important. Though most of the techniques are just pure offence, they have evolved into some very good defenses.

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Here are 12 bizarre insect defense mechanisms that will make you feel surprised.

1. Praying Mantis

Praying Mantis disguises to become a flower and protects itself from other animals.

bizarre insect defense mechanisms



2. Butterfly

This species of butterfly uses one of the most bizarre defense mechanisms. It can double itself as an owl.

bizarre insect defense mechanisms



3. Spider

Can you see a spider who disguised itself onto a plant in an extremely incredible way?

bizarre insect defense mechanisms




4. Spider

This is another pic of a spider who disguised itself as a ladybug. This is one of the most bizarre defense mechanisms opted by an insect.

bizarre insect defense mechanisms



5. Praying Mantis

This is one more picture of a mantis doing an impression of another insect, a wasp.

bizarre insect defense mechanisms



6. Spider

This spider has disguised itself as a moth. His texture looks so authentic that it could fool anyone with its defense mechanism.

bizarre insect defense mechanisms


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7. Fly

This is just a fly with some highlights on his body. Look how gracefully it is pretending to be a bee. It literally looks like a bee.

bizarre insect defense mechanisms



8. Caterpillar

This is just a caterpillar which has disguised itself to look like a snake. It looks deadly, doesn’t it?

bizarre insect defense mechanisms



9. Spider

This bizarre looking insect is a spider. It is very difficult to recognize it because of the defense mechanism it has opted.

bizarre insect defense mechanisms



10. Moth

This is yet another moth who has stealthily disguised itself as a wasp.

bizarre insect defense mechanisms



11. Butterfly

Look how gracefully this butterfly has camouflaged itself to look like a leaf. Well, you just figure out that it is a butterfly in the first glance.

bizarre insect defense mechanisms



12. Fly

It may look like an edited, photoshopped picture, but, trust me, it is not. This fly actually has a pair of spiders embedded in its wings.

bizarre insect defense mechanisms



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