A Man On Imgur Bids a Legendary Goodbye To His Pet Fish By Conducting Its Funeral


Everyone loves when others pamper them. However, most of the people realise the importance or someone after their funeral. Animals like fish also need to be loved. However, an Imgur user, Chilly991 took the love he had for his pet fish to a whole new level. He said a goodbye to his pet friends in a legendary manner.

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A man on Imgur bids a legendary goodbye to his pet fish by conducting its funeral.

“My beloved fish I had for 6 1/2 years, Peeping Tom. Aptly named because he lived in my bathroom. Livin’ his life watching people poop and shower. One day his bowl was moved out of the sunlight by my father despite specific instructions to keep his bowl in the light. And I came home from work the next day to find my wonderful aquatic companion dead. So, since he was such a valiant creature I decided he deserved a Viking funeral. Here it is…”

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“To atone for his actions my Dad built Tom a sturdy vessel. It, in no way, makes up for what he did, but it was a pretty bad ass boat.”

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Chilly99 was extremely loyal to the whole project. He wanted it to be top notch. No details were spared. The vessel was made to look perfect with a sailor on the front of it.

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Shockingly, this humorous Imgur user named the boat SS Boobies. However,  while explaining why it was named like that because, Chilly99 said “Tom loved titties, one of the reasons he lived so long, just to watch people shower”

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“The day has come for his send-off, my sister has a decent drainage ditch outside her place so we did it there. His platform was built entirely out of matches. Another reason my dad crafted the boat … He’s a bit of a pyro so he was having a great time with all this.”

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Tom was covered with matchsticks and was made ready for his funeral. A lot of preparations were made. The fish was made to rest on a pile of matchsticks for this final journey.

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RIP Tom, you will be missed. Though we did not know you much, it feels like we know you since your birth. I think we have a strong connection with each other. Goodbye!

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