13 WTF Things Every Skinny Girl Have To Hear At Least Once


I’ll tell you a truth, it’s not easy to be a skinny girl. And I am not talking about physical issues, it’s something else. I am rather talking about what skinny girls get to hear from people every day. All of us have actually seen this, been a part of this and here, this being making fun of someone who is really thin. We often take them for granted for the way their body is and say things which we shouldn’t. And we don’t even realize how bad the other person must be feeling because of what we say to them. All of us will be able to relate to this article.

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Here are ridiculous things a skinny girl gets to hear at least once or maybe more!

1. “Since you are a skinny girl, you should try something new. Something like modeling. Just gain a little weight and you are good to go.”

13 WTF Things Every Skinny Girl Have To Hear At Least Once


2. ” The legs of chicken or wait, the tree twigs, you look exactly like these things.”

13 WTF Things Every Skinny Girl Have To Hear At Least Once


3. “You can totally skip exercise because you are a skinny girl. Don’t hear others, you are good without any workout.”

13 WTF Things Every Skinny Girl Have To Hear At Least Once


4. “I guess I have seen you somewhere . Oh! wait, aren’t you the skinny girl on top of those UNICEF commercial things?” 

13 WTF Things Every Skinny Girl Have To Hear At Least Once


5. “Why don’t you eat? You know you won’t remain a skinny girl if you eat the right things.”

13 WTF Things Every Skinny Girl Have To Hear At Least Once


6. “I bet you never had an issue with cloth sizes. You can wear all sort of things.”

13 WTF Things Every Skinny Girl Have To Hear At Least Once


7. “You are such a tiny and skinny girl that I can pack you in my bag and take away.”

13 WTF Things Every Skinny Girl Have To Hear At Least Once


8. “You know, you would look so much better with a little more flesh on your body. Hear what I say, eat more.”

13 WTF Things Every Skinny Girl Have To Hear At Least Once


9. “Hear me, girl! Eat more things with fat in it. Cheese, pizza, burger, all these are meant for you.”

13 WTF Things Every Skinny Girl Have To Hear At Least Once


10. “The truth is, men won’t love you. They love girls with curves. Hear me, a skinny girl will never be chosen by a man.”

13 WTF Things Every Skinny Girl Have To Hear At Least Once


11. “I think you have an eating disorder. Those things which doctors want you to hear about and take medicines.”

13 WTF Things Every Skinny Girl Have To Hear At Least Once


12. “Let’s not fight. What if I punch you hard and you break into two?”

13 WTF Things Every Skinny Girl Have To Hear At Least Once


13. “Grab something quick, the wind might fly you away.”

13 WTF Things Every Skinny Girl Have To Hear At Least Once



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