12 Characteristics Which Show That You Belong To The World’s Rarest Personality Type


Do you feel that you are different than everybody else around? Do you feel like nobody understands you the way you understand yourself? Do you feel that you are doing something for yourself which everybody else thinks is crazy because they don’t have the vision you have? Well, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you and these are some of the few characteristics which say that you belong to the world’s rarest personality type.

There is a system around this universe that classifies all the different types of personality traits which makes a person different from the other. There can be situations where two persons have the same personality traits but usually, it differs. The system is basically broken down into 4 parts: Extroversion/Introversion, Intuition/Sensing, Thinking/Feeling, Perceiving/Judging. You are a part of the group of rarest personality type if you have these personality traits:

1. Conscious about the future

These Characteristics Prove You Belong To The Rarest Personality Type


Rarest personality type people do not care about the little things in life and rather focuses on the bigger picture and much more important things. They have a vision which nobody else but they can see.

2. Hard Workers

These Characteristics Prove You Belong To The Rarest Personality Type

They know that nothing in life comes easy and they have to constantly work hard and give their 100% to live the life they always wanted to.

3. They trust their gut

These Characteristics Prove You Belong To The Rarest Personality Type

This is one of the rarest characteristics which you can find in people. They can sense if something is off and if something is off, they follow their instincts and decide whether they are right or wrong rather than doing what they were supposed to do anyway.

4. Seekers of truth

These Characteristics Prove You Belong To The Rarest Personality Type

People falling under this personality type loves to fascinate the secrets of the universe. They can even spend the whole night gazing at stars and thinking about their existence.

5. Selective of friends

These Characteristics Prove You Belong To The Rarest Personality Typevia

They do not enjoy a large group of friends and they would much prefer to be at home rather than waste their time with the bad company.

6. Sensitive and Empathetic

These Characteristics Prove You Belong To The Rarest Personality Type

They are very caring and generous and would help a person in need. They are so empathetic that they put themselves in other people’s shoes in order to feel how they feel.

7. People Readers

These Characteristics Prove You Belong To The Rarest Personality Type

They can read people they have a keen sense of seeing through what they are trying to do. They are very difficult to manipulate.

8. Loners of the world

These Characteristics Prove You Belong To The Rarest Personality Type

When you see these personality type people, you are more likely to see them alone. They like to walk the streets alone and drink coffee all alone not because they feel lonely but because they love their own company.

9. Full of contradictions

These Characteristics Prove You Belong To The Rarest Personality Type

Their emotions change very frequently and you can’t keep track of them.


10. All or nothingThese Characteristics Prove You Belong To The Rarest Personality Type

Their list of characteristics contains a point called “All or Nothing” which they abide by every day.  They don’t want to be stuck at the middle and be average. They know they are worth the best and they will show the world they are worth the best.

11. Problem solvers

These Characteristics Prove You Belong To The Rarest Personality Type

They are excellent at figuring out the solutions of problems and most of the times, they are right.

12. They love to write

These Characteristics Prove You Belong To The Rarest Personality Type

People say that most of the successful people love to read but according to me, people who are more creative are the people who write. This rarest personality group aren’t much of a talker but they can write their heart out if given a pencil.


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