12 Hilarious And Silly Reasons Why Kids Are Upset


Kids often cry and get upset over little things and those little things seem like the end of the world for them. Only when you become an adult you understand that those silly reasons were not even worthy to have made you cry, after dealing with much more intense stuff.

Now that you are grown enough, when you see kids crying around, you can’t help but really be entertained over the hilarious and silly reasons. You never know why kids are upset over those little things and that’s what makes it funny for you.

Isn’t it so funny when kids are crying in unpredictable situations and the silly reasons they are crying for is also so stupid? Exactly. Here is a list of 16 kids who were so upset that they started crying over silly reasons.

1. When your kid desperately wants to take the dog for a walk but he doesn’t know the dog likes to stand and not walk.

silly reasons why kids are upset


2. Can you even think of a bunch of better silly reasons behind this little girl crying? I don’t think anyone can.

reasons why kids are upset

3. This little boy thought that the microwave is not going to give back the food, it is taking in. He literally thought that the microwave ate his dinner and his reaction is so cute and hilarious.

reasons why kids are upset

4. She is upset only because she wasn’t allowed to wash her parent’s faces. I can’t just imagine what will be the reaction of this girl when she grows up and doesn’t get allowed to go on a night party.

reasons why kids are upset

5. Definitely the silliest of all silly reasons. This girl definitely needs some personal space, at an age so early. She got upset only because her brother wanted to have breakfast sitting next to her.

reasons why kids are upset

6. When you are too attached to a character but you find out it is actually bad in real life and you aren’t supposed to idolise villains.

reasons why kids are upset

7. Ice creams are delicious. Without even eating, we can yes it is delicious but a guy who does not know that ice creams are cold would have never felt that coming. It was cold and hard.

reasons why kids are upset

8. It is indeed annoying when flies disturb you while having a nice meal. It would make any kid upset.

reasons why kids are upset

9. What happens when kids are actually trying to pick up something but it does not get up that easily? Obviously, they’ll will be frustrated and that’s exactly what happened with this kid right here.

reasons why kids are upset

10. She was not allowed to lick a stick. Why dad, why?

reasons why kids are upset

11. Adults can relate to this when they are super hungry. They don’t cry but the definitely become annoyed.

reasons why kids are upset

12. In the first place, he does not want to go anywhere so why not start a tantrum?

reasons why kids are upset


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