12 Awesome & Helpful Ways To Reuse Plastic Bags!


Plastic bags don’t go with nature side by side and instead of throwing them, you can just reuse them and can create some awesome stuff! See below for 12 awesome ideas to reuse plastic bags.

1. Braid A Basket

Awesome Ways To Reuse Plastic Bags


This project requires no crocheting or knitting skills. Instead, braid the bags into a rope and handsew the layers to keep them connected as it builds up.

2. Build An Outdoor Swing

Awesome Ways To Reuse Plastic Bags


It might look flimsy, but this woven swing was tested with 220-pounds and remained strong — and is a cozy way to enjoy the outdoors!

3. Make Paint Clean-Up Easy


Reuse your plastic bag by covering your tray before pouring paint into it to save you from a tedious, messy clean up when the job is done.

Also read: 12 Simple Inventions That Will Make Your Life Better Than Ever

4. Design A Tote Bag

Awesome Ways To Reuse Plastic Bags


Use a CD to measure your circles before fusing them together as a tote, adding braided plastic bags as the handles.

5. Make A Rope


Another great way you can keep plastic bags out of landfills is by utilizing them to create a useful tool, like rope, which can then be used for a variety of things, such as yard work or even skipping!

6. A Lampshade

5. Craft A Lampshade


Use cardboard for the base of this ruffled lamp and simply stacked loose swatches of plastic bag onto skewers for the shade, before placing a light inside. You obviously have to be very careful when putting plastic near a warm bulb, so be sure to use an LED light that won’t get hot enough to melt things.

7. Make Reusable Shopping Bags

Awesome Ways To Reuse Plastic Bags


Lastly, why not use the bags you’re given while you shop to create a set of reusable shopping bags? Just don’t forget them in the car the next time you go out!

8. Garbage can liner and car trash


I know some people let their garbage go “commando” without any liner, but there are some things I don’t want touching my garbage can. I’d rather throw away a plastic bag than waste water and my time cleaning the can every week.

9. Fashion A Bracelet

1. Fashion A Bracelet


By slicing strips of the plastic bags and twisting them tightly before weaving them like a friendship bracelet.

10. Make Flowers

Awesome Ways To Reuse Plastic Bags


Display a bouquet in your home that will last forever by using plastic bags to DIY beautiful, handmade flowers.

11. Bagging up messy stuff for the garbage

Awesome Ways To Reuse Plastic Bags


If you make homemade chicken stock, you know the mess that you have to throw away. I find it helpful to contain the juicy waste in a plastic bag to make an attempt at avoiding leaky, greasy messes on the bottom of the garbage can. Sometimes you also just have to take some food waste directly out to an outside garbage and need a container.

12. Braid A Rug

Awesome Ways To Reuse Plastic Bags


Use the same braiding technique as the basket from above, but fused the whole thing together by ironing the back with wax paper.


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