12 Ingenious Things You Can Try To Keep Your Kids Entertained Always


It is true that kids can sometimes be very annoying. They have so much energy that they can even bring the house down if they can’t think of something probable to do. Keeping them busy and entertained all day long is the only thing parents can do to keep the atmosphere of the house, pleasant. And that is when the ultimate question from all parents comes in, “How do you keep your kids busy?” Well, that question has been answered right here. Presenting to you, 12 of the most ingenious things parents can do to keep their kids entertained and busy for most of the time.

1. Make a spinning rainbow

ingenious ways to keep kids entertained


You don’t even know how creative you can be with the things around you. And the more creative you are, the more ingenious you are called. With that being cleared, just paint the blades of your ordinary household fan with different colours. Then, put it back together and see how impressed your kids become by the whirling rainbow effect.

2. Swings at home

ingenious ways to keep kids entertained


This is probably the best thing you can offer to your kids. Just set up swings at home like you would, in the back garden. Chances are, your little ones would henceforth be always entertained and can sit in there all day long.

3. Make your own snow

ingenious ways to keep kids entertained


Children love to play with snow but that doesn’t mean you have to wait till winter to make your kids entertained. Mix together corn starch and shaving foam to make snow of your own. You can also add a little food colouring for coloured snow.

4. Create a maze.

ingenious ways to keep kids entertained


Do you really want to keep your kids entertained for the whole day? Then this is the most ingenious thing you can do in order to achieve your goal. All you need to do is break up some cardboard boxes into their separate parts, tape them together and cut out arcs on one or more sides. A full day of entertainment, guaranteed.

5. City Map

ingenious ways to keep kids entertained


Use a large cardboard box to draw a map of an entire city together with your child which would be a great inspiration for his toy cars.

6. Build a model castle

ingenious ways to keep kids entertained


For this masterpiece, you will need some toilet rolls, cardboard boxes, a bit of paint and definitely, some creativity. Make this up with your little one to keep him/her entertained all the while.

7. Clouds

ingenious ways to keep kids entertained


Put some soap in the microwave and watch it turn into cloud. Your kids will be fascinated with it, trust me.

8. Hopscotch

ingenious ways to keep kids entertained


Use some coloured tape or paper to mark out numbers on the floor for a game of hopscotch. Easy and ingenious.

9. Customise your umbrella

ingenious ways to keep kids entertained


If the underside of your umbrella is black, you can easily paint it with different colours to resemble the view of outer space. Only some paint and imagination will keep your kids entertained for the full day.

10. Use plastic bottle to make bubbles

ingenious ways to keep kids entertained


One ingenious way to make bubbles is to mix water and any type of liquid soap in a bowl. After that, just put the neck of the bottle in the solution and squeeze the sides of the bottle to let the bubbles out.

11. Play Star Wars

ingenious ways to keep kids entertained


Who doesn’t love Star Wars? To carry out this experiment, make some lightsabres out of balloons which would require flashlights to make them glow. You would also need toilet roll to make the handle and that’s it.

12. Draw with your hands and feet

ingenious ways to keep kids entertained

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Your hand and footprints can be absolutely creative without even your consent. Don’t trust me? Just dip your hands and feet in paint and then stamp it in a piece of paper. With a tinge of your creativity, you can make out different ingenious things from those prints, to keep your kids entertained for much time.


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