Here’s What It Would Be Like If Superheroes Had Babies (14 Illustrations)


Superheroes might be super but they’re humans too. Which means they do regular human things like eating, sleeping and having babies. But the question is, how would that scenario play out? This is what Lucas Eduardo Nascimento, also known as Dragonarte pictured in his artwork.

1. Aquaman’s Kid Isn’t A Redhead Like His Mother

Superheroes, babies


Well if he’s going to be in that aquarium then the nurses should prepare for a lot of jailbreaks.

2. Flash’s Baby Would Be Running Through Time Messing Up Timelines

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Maybe some superheroes should have their super babies on super lockdown or something.

3. I Am Thankful That Spiderman Doesn’t Lay Eggs To Make Babies Like An Actual Spider

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I mean he’s one of those superheroes who doesn’t really do justice to their names. Spiders shoot web out of their behinds. That’s another thing I’m thankful Spiderman doesn’t do.

4. Wolverine’s Kid Is A Born Chainsmoker. But That’s Alright I Guess, He Has A Healing Factor, Right?

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I wonder what kind of claws he’d have.

5. Human Torch’s Kid Is A Fire Hazard

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And I have accidentally stumbled upon a superheroes babies name. Fire Hazard.

6. Martian Manhunter

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Given proper training, I’m pretty sure Martian Manhunter’s alien offspring would be able to shapeshift into human babies forms in no time.

7. Hawkman

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It is kinda disturbing how the nurse is ready with a pan with her tongue out.

8. Xenomorph

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Um no. That’s not right. That nurse is gonna die a horrible death. Yikes!

9. Chuck Norris And His Chad Kid

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I’m pretty sure his kid’s name is Chad. Chad Norris.

10. Tony Stark And His Genius Child

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He’s already designing prototype suits which will fit babies his age.

11. Deadpool And His Most Probably Insane Child

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He’s already aiming his pee on others. That kid will make a great mercenary.

12. Batman And The Batbaby

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Superheroes train their babies well don’t they?

13. Robocop And His Toaster?

Superheroes, babies


Loading directives:-

1. Toast the bread.

2. Scare the shit out of owner by popping up when they least expect it.

3. Repeat 1 & 2.

14. Thing With His… Thing…

Superheroes, babies


Is it a boy? Is it a girl? No, its a rock.


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