12 Of The Most Painfully Heartbreaking Moments For Guys


Guys might seem tough and emotionless but they do have feelings. After all, they’re human beings too. These are 12 most painfully heartbreaking moments for guys. As they hurt their soul. Okay, that’s too much. But it’s a struggle to get through these hurdles as guys. They deserve appreciation for holding the pain in themselves and facing these problems with determination and persistence.

1. When your WhatsApp message ticks but don’t turn blue as soon as you send the message

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Waiting is one of the toughest yet heartbreaking things to do.

2. Or worse, when they are blue but you’re still waiting for a reply

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Those mixed feelings of embarrassment and anger thou.

3. When you’re not so ‘smart’ with exam preparation 

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Studies have always been a struggle for guys. Poor them.

4. When bae’s playing hide and seek and it’s not a game anymore

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No one can be as patient as a man waiting for her girl.

5. And when people have questions about your love life and you’re single AF

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No comments, please. *cries internally*

6. When you want to torrent that latest Games Of Thrones episode but you internet sucks

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Being a guy is a struggle and a half.

7. When you’re awake late at night and your stomach starts growling

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It is one of those moments when guys blame themselves for being men.

8. Or when you’re air-kissing bae over the phone and your phone dies

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The wave of embarrassment which goes through their body at such moments is unexplainable.

9. When Facebook makes other’s lives seem so much cooler than your own

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Why do you do this Facebook? Why!!!

10. When you have to think of yet another excuse for being late

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Guys can never reach anywhere on time.

11. Or when your selfie pout is having a day off

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Such heartbreaking moments kill guys from inside.

12. When your friends show their selfish side

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Because nowadays friends are snakes. Heartbreaking? Isn’t it?

Life is not easy whether you’re a man or woman. Girls have their own heartbreaking struggles and guys have their own. But what makes them strong is the way they cope them. You can’t just lock yourself in a room to avoid all the problems. Go out and fight with them because that’s what going to benefit you in the long run. You might find your true love or some sincere friends. Never lose hope because that’s the key to a healthy life.


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