​12 Effective Exercises To Lose Weight And Reduce Belly Fat


With the increasing pressure to look good in everything you wear, the need to to stay fit and healthy and healthy is the ultimate goal. So these are some effective exercises you can try at your home to lose weight quickly.

1. Crunches.

Effective exercises to lose weight


Crunches are one of the most effective exercises to lose belly fat. For crunches lie down on the mat with your back flat with your back flat. Bent your knees and make sure your feet touches the ground. The try to uplift your body and go back-back down. Keep repeating this.

2. Bicycle Exercise.
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You don’t need an actual bicycle for this exercise. Just lie on the floor and bring your right knee close to your chest while keeping the left one away. Then repeat the same steps with your left leg.

3. Lunge Twist.
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Try standing with your legs hip-width apart. Then obtain the position as shown in shown in the position as shown in shown in the picture, lifting your hands aligning with your shoulder. And then twist just your torso to left and then right.

4. Rolling Plank Exercise.
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This is another among one of the most effective exercises to tone up up different body parts like the hips, abdomen and lower back Lay your body on the stomach on the floor. Then resting the elbow on the floor try lifting your body and knees until your legs are supported on the toes.

5. Push Ups.
Effective exercises to lose weight

This is the most basic exercise to lose weight. This can be done simply by raising and lowering your body.

6. Squats.
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Squats are really effective exercises for the buttocks and legs. You can achieve the position by couching or sitting with your thighs parallel to the floor.

7. Single Leg Balance.
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This is one of the hardcore exercises that needs patience exercises that needs patience. Try balancing your body on your left leg. Then leaning forward at the waist at the waist raise your right leg towards the ceiling.

8. Superman Back Extension.
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This is the easy one. Simply lay on your stomach and gradually try raising your legs and upper part of the body at the same time.

9. Bird Dog.
Effective exercises to lose weight

The critical part of this exercise is the hand and knee position. It is important to keep the hands under your shoulder and the knees under your hips. Then maintain the position shown in the picture.

10. Side Plank Hip Drops.
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This is one of the exercises where you need a lot of strength. This is effective on arms, legs and back. Begin it with lying on one side. Then supporting the body weight with your forearm try to uplift your hips keeping your legs stacked on top of one another.

11. Bridge.
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This exercise is effective in strengthening the abdominal region, hamstrings, lower back and glutes. Raise your hips maintaining your back straight and supporting the body weight on your hands and foot.


12. Leaps.
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Leaps are among the effective exercises practised by sports persons. For this, you need to go down to semi-squat position. Then jump sideways and try landing landing landing sideways and try landing landing landing on your left foot. Repeat the process landing on your right foot.


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