12 Hilarious Text Conversation Fails That Came Unexpected


Having a conversation in texts can get really tricky at times. You cannot always accurately predict the reply that is going to come. You can never understand what to expect but you got to deal with the situation anyhow. This list shows how something went wrong in each text conversation which brought out a hilarious result.


1. This text conversation shows the best reply to people trying to teach you what to do and what not to do. This is such a sarcastic and hilarious way to shut someone down and deserves an applause.


These hilarious text conversation fails will make you laugh

2. I don’t know if this person is trying to play around or is really that stupid. But whatever it is the conversation is hilarious. The receiver surely is irritated after this.


These hilarious text conversation fails will make you laugh


3. Some boyfriends cannot just compliment you, can they? This is one such awkward conversation where you are expecting something really sweet, but you realise you have to finally give up.


These hilarious text conversation fails will make you laugh


4. Well looks like someone is planning to get killed. Just think when you are frustrated with everyday’s excuses and wants your money back right away, and get this kind of reply. Would you not want to kill that person?


These hilarious text conversation fails will make you laugh


5. This one is not exactly a conversation. But the text itself is hilarious. Afterall now we know she was in real need of that book. She pretty much should buy another copy of that book as soon as possible.


These hilarious text conversation fails will make you laugh


6. The sender seems really pissed off. The conversation went really unexpected, giving a straight cut reply that he is no more interested in being a part of her life.


These hilarious text conversation fails will make you laugh


7. Perfect reply to unwanted flirting. When you get too annoyed with them just shut their mouth. Take the conversation to a clear end. I don’t think he will ever text her back again.


These hilarious text conversation fails will make you laugh


8. Another stern reply. When they wake you up too early with their stupid messages and your mood is spoiled. This person surely likes to live on his own terms.


These hilarious text conversation fails will make you laugh


9. This conversation right here is hilarious. A teacher weeping like a baby not to go to school. Teachers have their own issues too. Teaching surely can be boring when you start getting older.


These hilarious text conversation fails will make you laugh


10. Trying to convince “fed-up with romance” people to fall in love is a waste of time. They would not want another problem “love” in their life.


These hilarious text conversation fails will make you laugh


11. Some people just love teasing and trolling people. These bring them joy. However, replying to a question with another question is a great idea to nudge someone.


These hilarious text conversation fails will make you laugh


12. Tom is screwed today. Oversmartness can lead you to danger. He could have easily avoided the text. Not always should you use your humour.


These hilarious text conversation fails will make you laugh

Source: BrightSide


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