These Comics Perfectly Illustrate Why Winter Is The Most Difficult Season For Girls.


I agree winter is all snowy fairy-tale and Christmas-y with magical New Year. But we have to also see the downsides. Those slippery roads and snowy mornings are of no good. So here are a few struggles which all girls go through during winter.

1. There’s not much option in shoes.

Girls in winter


While in autumn you can flaunt your winter shoe collection, by the time it is actually winter, you realise you can wear only one kind of shoe which is high boots. As anything else will freeze you to death.

2. There’s only one hairdo you can have.

Girls in winter


As your winter cap won’t let you anything else. Girls, you know the struggle right? That spiky hair as if you just experienced an electric shock.

3. Receiving a call is your biggest headache.

Girls in winter


Because you know you have to go under all those layers of sweaters just to find your phone. And finally, when you get there and receive it, the other person cannot hear you because of course your scarf won’t let you talk or hear anything.

4. Snowfalls are not how you expect them.

Girls in winter


The girls you see in commercials or movies twirling under snowfall look beautiful on TV. But remember not to ever try that in real life. You will literally freeze under those snow.

5. Walking on the snow in heels is a death trap.

Girls in winter



I know it looks stylish and people would turn around to see you, until they hear a thump and you are down on the ground. Snow obviously is slippery and high heels are not at all adviced.

6. You have to know some tricks to attend an event in winter.

Girls in winter


To save yourself from dying in those chilly wind, you have to dress up like you are going to North Pole. But once you reach your destination, there’s a lot of work to do. Its like getting ready all over again. After all you have to keep your style game high, no matter how cold it is outside.

7. Your lips are like volcano in winter.

Girls in winter


They can crack up anytime and start bleeding. No matter how much you moisturise them, once you come back from outside they are dry again. Don’t even think about Matte lipsticks.

8. Girls sometimes have to freeze for the sake of fashion.

Girls in winter


Now you cannot totally do away with fashion even if it’s winter. Can you?

9. Girls’ nails become the biggest enemy.

Girls in winter


Every time you wear new gloves, your long nails cannot control their urge to pierce through them. And next day you have to buy another ones.

10. Whether to wear underpants or not?

Girls in winter


Because when you wear them you just have the warmest feeling, but slowly it becomes hell.

11. “Pretty and seductive” are out of equation.

Girls in winter


With all that pullovers and warm undergarments being seductive can be a bit too difficult.

12. Even the woollen scarves don’t spare you.

Girls in winter


You think they are your best friends because the scarves keep you so warm and make you feel so comfortable until the wools start getting into your mouth.






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