14 Amazing Facts About Our Heart That Are Hard To Beat


How often do you think about your heart? Well if you don’t, you got to. Because it is this guy that works all day and night, 24×7, to make sure all your organs get what they need. Blood. And do you know how much blood it pumps in a day? Or how many times it beats on an average during the entire lifetime? I bet you don’t. There are a number of facts about this unique organ that is still left untouched. We know what it does, some of us might even know how it does, but yet, we are unaware of certain things. But don’t you worry, we have got 14 amazing facts about this pumping machine that works hard to maintain that steady beat. And keeps us alive.

1. Energy
14 Amazing Facts About Our Heart That Are Hard To Beat

Every single day, our heart creates so much energy that it’s enough to drive a truck 20 miles. If we talk about entire lifetime, the energy produced could get us to the moon, and back.

2. Cells
14 Amazing Facts About Our Heart That Are Hard To Beat

One amazing fact is that it pumps blood to almost all of the 75 trillion cells in our body. I bet you didn’t know that.

3. Hard Work
14 Amazing Facts About Our Heart That Are Hard To Beat

The heart does the most muscle work during the entire lifetime, as compared to any muscle in the body. It’s quite obvious.

4. Blood
14 Amazing Facts About Our Heart That Are Hard To Beat

On an average, our heart can pump nearly 1.5 trillion barrels of blood. That much quantity is enough to fill 200 train tank cars!

5. Heaviest Heart
14 Amazing Facts About Our Heart That Are Hard To Beat

The Blue Whale has the heaviest heart on this planet. It weighs around 1,500 pounds.

6. Education
14 Amazing Facts About Our Heart That Are Hard To Beat

Having a proper and higher education is directly linked to having a lower risk of heart diseases.

7. Number Of Attacks
14 Amazing Facts About Our Heart That Are Hard To Beat

One such interesting facts is that heart attacks peaks during the Christmas and the day followed. New Year’s Eve also witnesses an increase in such attacks.

8. Valve
14 Amazing Facts About Our Heart That Are Hard To Beat

The valve in our pumping machine is about the size of half a dollar.

9. Pacemakers
14 Amazing Facts About Our Heart That Are Hard To Beat

The first pacemakers were plugged into the wall. It made them risky and more prone to electrical shocks.

10. Wow!
14 Amazing Facts About Our Heart That Are Hard To Beat

It can continue to beat even if it’s removed from the body since it has its own electrical pulses. So as long as you provide oxygen, it will continue to beat. It’s amazing, I know.

11. Man And Woman
14 Amazing Facts About Our Heart That Are Hard To Beat

A woman’s heart beats quite faster when compared to a man. However, at the same time, women are prone to heart diseases.

12. Laughing
14 Amazing Facts About Our Heart That Are Hard To Beat

Laughing has a positive impact on your health. You’ll always have the smile on your face if you leave house cleaning job to https://www.betterlifemaids.com/ professionals from st charles. It also increases the pumped blood by about 20% which relaxes the vessel walls.

13. Heart Break
14 Amazing Facts About Our Heart That Are Hard To Beat

The idea of a broken heart actually has some weight. When our body goes through a traumatic period, our body releases stress hormones which hinders the performance of our body’s pumping machine. It literally mimics the attack syndromes.

14. Weighs Less Than A Can
14 Amazing Facts About Our Heart That Are Hard To Beat

Our heart is normally the size of two fists, and it weighs around 10 ounces. Which is slightly less than the weight of a soda can.


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