16 Beauty Secrets Leaked On Instagram You Need To See

Instagram has been one of the favorite social media platforms. Apart from all the holiday snaps and selfies, it has become a place to find the best beauty secrets and hacks.

Firstly, we all are aware of the fact that it is always flooded with pictures with various themes. And hence, we all love going through the random picture collection of our known ones. Seems like it has pictures relating to all situations.

So while the world is still busy using it just to know what’s going on in another person’s life, there exists another segment of people who use it for various beneficial purposes. People either use it for business through online shopping platforms or for searching hacks and secrets for certain tasks.

Similarly, the most emerging and loved purpose of it has become to post and learn hacks and secrets related to beauty.

As a result, we have chosen a few that would almost make your life so much easier.


Above all, your lipstick getting rubbed away mid-day is a big issue. Hence, we have tried a lot of expensive products to make the lipstick stay. Meanwhile here is a hack that is the best solution for it.



No doubt we have ll spent heavily to buy products that help us organize all our makeup and yet have a shabby dressing table. Finally here is the secret to it.

#makeuphack @dunia.tutorial

A post shared by Malaysian Makeup Artist (@kikamohd) on


Another issue that all of us face is the unavailability of the exact nail polish shade we want. Even though we have boxes full of nail paints we always fall short of the perfect shade to go with the outfit.


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