40 Best Of Mom Jokes That Are Even Weird Than Dad Jokes


We all know, that a mom knows best. She teaches us and reminds us of many things we consider are not that necessary or useful. There is no doubt, we have all heard some pretty embarrassing weird jokes from our dad, that would make us feel awkward and at times, cringe too. But, let us not boycott our mom, from whom some very weird jokes happen to land us in a much more serious embarrassing situation than dad jokes.

A dad now needs to take a backseat because it is mom jokes that are doing the rounds on social media. These mom jokes are so funny, amusing, cringy and utterly rubbish, that it will get you in splits of laughter. However, a mom always knows what is good for us and her love is unconditional, even though, it is in the form of jokes that may sound weird.

Also, read 16 Dads Who Photobombed Their Kid’s Picture In The Most Amusing Way!

1. This is a true concern and not one of those mom jokes.

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2. A mom will always be prettier than weird.

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3. We need to see the thought behind the act.

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4. Whether you are in liquid form, solid form or skeletal form a mom and dad will always hear you out.

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5. These mom jokes are mostly based on the reality surrounding their children. 

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6. Sometimes a mother knows how to give it back in a very scheming way.

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7. A mother knows how to explain things by giving it in details.

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8. When mother’s don’t like someone, they can be weird and full of sarcasm.

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9. Usually, mommies are very care-free people and don’t care a damn.

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10. They sometimes beat around the bush, but usually, come to the point.

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11. Well, they can be pretty sarcastic with their concern, which obviously, is the truth.

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12. A very regular thing, two wrongs make it a right, especially by mothers.

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13. So, that if you can’t really drive at least you can flash drive. Her way of positive thinking.

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14. On her kid’s birthday, she got a little extra excited and made these urinal cakes.

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15. A mother is always full of energy in any situation.

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16. However, a mother knows how to bring a smile on their kid’s face with their weird jokes.

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17. They are very calculative and know how to adjust things.

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18. Her intentions are always the best, but they land up doing some weird things.

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19. Never play a prank on your mother because she will bounce it back to you, making you look dumb.

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20. When the question is not clear, get prepared for a gross answer.

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Also, read Awkwardly Embarrassing Moments Every Girl Has Had With Her Parents

21. This mother explained the hardships of life in a very simple way, to her kid.

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22. When a mother horrifies you with jokes that are based on actual events.

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23. They very innocently take out a double meaning of every word, even though it’s supported with snaps.

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24. They know how well to be diplomatic and their revenge is very sweet.

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25. When they don’t like something and if you don’t understand, then they have other ways of explaining it.

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26. You can’t help it, your likes could be her dislikes and she knows how to convey it.

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27. She knows how to utilize a weird thing and make it sensible.

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28. Who can troll you better than your mom and dad?

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29. A mother can sterilize a vasectomy situation also in the form of jokes and make your day.

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30. If there’s anything spotted weird regarding a dad, a mother is sure to capture it and save it.

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31. They are ever ready and quick with the Firsthand Information Report, of anything gone wrong.

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32. How does she express her frustration? She jokes about it.

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33. Whenever you are confused, remember, your mother has smartly played you up, with words.

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34. This could be in the category of jokes, but a mother’s labor needs some consideration after all.

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35. Pets are like family members and a mother never ignores them.

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36. These mom’s know how to play the game with their sons.

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37. One of the best jokes by a mother ‘I peed in the kitchen.’

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38. They know how to outsmart you with fake promises and catch you red-handed.

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39. A dollar roll is the sweetest gift a mother can give her son on his birthday. He just has to make a little effort.

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40. Dad will love it, but actually, he never ever enjoyed it, when it was on the cards.

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Also, read 25 Weird Things Most Girls Secretly Do When They’re Alone And Naked!


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