These Crazy Facts About Space Are Enough To Awe You


It’s funny how after having made such constant efforts, we have only got to know roughly 1% about our universe. The rest whopping 99% are the secrets or unexplored things that are yet to awe us. Scientists have made some really terrific discoveries over the past few decades but upon seeing the enormity of this vast dark world, guess it’s not enough. There are secrets about space which we still don’t and will never know. Extraterrestrials, life-supporting planet, etc are questions that may or will find an answer in the near future. Who knows though? But until then, read on these crazy facts about space that will bedazzle you.


1. It’s Like Steak And Welding Fumes

Crazy facts about space

Astronauts who have returned after their stay or mission in space reveals that it smells like hot metal, welding fumes, and withered steak.


2. Coincidence

Crazy facts about space

The Sun and the Moon appear to be of the same size. It is due to the amazing coincidence of moon being 400 times smaller than the Sun, and 400 times closer to it.


3. Amazing International Space Station

Crazy facts about space

With a built price of $150 billion, The International Space Station is the most expensive thing to be built. It houses some really crazy facts. The IIS has a size equivalent to a football field but is only as roomy as a 5-BHK home. It also has a special water treatment system that converts astronaut’s urine into drinking water. Don’t feel yucky, in such a hostile environment astronauts are left with no choice.


4. Sun Appears White In Space

Crazy facts about space

Unlike the yellow color Sun we witness here on the Earth, astronauts claim that the Sun appears white in the space. This is due to earth’s atmosphere that photons of more energetic and shorter wavelength of light are scattered and reach on the ground.


5. Oh, Earth!

Crazy facts about space

If you would consider Sun to be the size of a beach ball, then Jupiter would be the size of a golf ball, and our own Earth would be the size of a pea. Where do you find yourself now?


6. Cockroaches

Crazy facts about space

A research conducted by Russia on 33 cockroaches conceived in space reveals that they end up being more stronger, quicker, faster, and tougher than the cockroaches present on the Earth.


7. A Moon-Sized Diamond

Crazy facts about space

One of the best crazy facts is that a diamond as big as the size of a Moon has been found in the space, which is estimated at close to 10 billion trillion carats. It has been named “Lucy”.


8. The Moon-Earth Conflict!

Crazy facts about space

A report revealed that our Moon has been making a distance from us at the rate of 3.78 centimetres per year. That’s small, but might be a matter of concern for the future generations.


9. The Journey of 170,000 Years!

Crazy facts about space

It takes approximately 170,000 years for the photons from the Sun’s core, to reach to its surface. From the surface, it takes only 8 minutes for these photons to travel to the Earth surface. Which means that the photons we see, are actually thousands of years old. That’s fascinating!


10. Space Is Quiet. Dead Quiet.

Crazy facts about space

Since sound needs a medium to propagate and space is a vacuum, there is no medium for sound to travel and hence it is dead quiet. So even if you scream near someone’s ear with all your might, that person won’t hear shit!


11. All The Planets Could Fit In Between The Earth and The Moon.

Crazy facts about space

Diameters of all the planets of our solar system adds up to 380,008
kilometres, whereas the distance between the Earth and Moon is 384, 400 kilometres. This means that even after fitting all the planets between Earth and Moon, you’ll still be having some space to spare.


12. Mars – 1 | Earth – 0

Crazy facts about space

One of the crazy facts is that, there is a volcano Mt. Olympus on Mars that is 25 Kilometers high which is roughly three times the size of Mt. Everest. It is being speculated that the volcanic eruption thousands of years ago, have resulted in the present day atmospheric conditions on the Red Planet.


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