19 Guys Who Love Their Work Wives More Than Their Actual Wives!


We are all too familiar with the term work wives, aren’t we? Well, though this may seem weird, people actually tend to love their work wives more than their actual wives. Look, I’m not saying that everybody may feel the same way, but some of them definitely do.

These guys open up about loving their work wives more than their actual wives!

1. You are not the first one to fall for your work wife pal, and rest assured that you won’t be the last!guys love their work wives more than their actual wives

2. Sometimes connecting emotionally with someone means so much more than being connected physically. 

guys love their work wives more than their actual wives

3. Looks she your work wife left you. Too bad!

guys love their work wives more than their actual wives

4. Well, it is better if you consider sticking to keeping things professional. 

guys love their work wives more than their actual wives

5. Um, shouldn’t you be leaving as well? 

guys love their work wives more than their actual wives

6. It is as they say, “A small world”!

guys love their work wives more than their actual wives

7. Pal, if you already have a wife. I’d say you talk to her and try to be happy. 

guys love their work wives more than their actual wives

8. Life happens, people go separate ways. But that shouldn’t keep you from moving on. 

guys love their work wives more than their actual wives

9. Seriously dude, learn to let go. And you’d be better in no time.

guys love their work wives more than their actual wives

10. Things we do for love but mind you, you might be cheating on your wife as well. 

guys love their work wives more than their actual wives

11. Too bad some people take this thing way too far than they are supposed to!

guys love their work wives more than their actual wives

12. Having a friend who understands you is not really bad!

guys love their work wives more than their actual wives

13. All good things come to an end eventually. 

guys love their work wives more than their actual wives

14. Dude, you are really confused and weird on so many levels. 

guys love their work wives more than their actual wives

15. As a friend, you should definitely stop her from spoiling her future. 

guys love their work wives more than their actual wives

read also: Here Are The Things Husbands Secretly Wish Their Wives Knew

16. You can’t stop people from doing something. But you can always talk to them. 

guys love their work wives more than their actual wives

17. You won’t sound creepy dude. We all love our friends, don’t we?

guys love their work wives more than their actual wives

18. Nope not weird, but it is really not healthy. 

guys love their work wives more than their actual wives

19. It isn’t much you can do except hope that she will stop cheating on her husband. 

guys love their work wives more than their actual wives


read also: 18 Husbands Who Just Couldn’t Help Failing On Their Wives Expectations.

People often tend to confuse between what is right and what they think is right. It isn’t something awfully wrong to have a work wife. But the only time your work wife becomes a problem is when your actual wife isn’t getting the attention she is supposed to. And you tend to invest your time in your work relationship than your actual relationship. But if you know what you’re doing and are quite certain that it isn’t gonna hamper your relationship then you can sure as hell have a work wife!


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