Ever Wondered What Happens In The Dream Of A Blind Person Who Is Blind Since Birth?


Most of our dreams are normal and some random things keep happening and all these things are visible, but have you ever wondered what really happens in the dream of a blind person who is blind since birth? Do they really see any pictures? People who lost sight later in life can obviously see in their dreams but visual impressions weaken as time passes. The problem is with the people who have never seen anything in real life and are blind by birth. It’s very hard for their conscious to make a picture of anything.

Are you curious to find out what happens in a blind person’s dream? Let’s have a look!

1. Not all blind people dream

Blind person dream

2. People born blind have no visual impressions while dreaming. They absolutely see nothing. 

Blind person dream

3. Most of their dreams have sounds and smell. They can also feel senses of taste and touch.

Blind person dream


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