Ever Imagined That Zodiac Signs Could Be Monsters? Have A Look!


Some of us take our zodiac signs way too seriously. Yes, I’m one of them. But did you ever imagine that your signs could be monsters? I bet you surely did not. Artist Shawn Cross is famous for his ink sets where he recreated mental illness and seven deadly sins as terrifying figures. But now he is back with another one. Keep reading on to find out what your zodiac sign looks like!

Here are the ink sets by Shawn Cross which recreates Zodiac Signs as Monsters!

1. LEO (22 July – 22 August): The fifth astrological sign of the zodiac, originating from the constellation of Leo. 

zodiac signs as monsters


2. VIRGO (22 August – 22 September): This is the sixth zodiac sign and the second largest constellation.

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3. SCORPIO (23 October – 22 November): This is the eighth zodiac sign. It is one of the three water signs, originating from the constellation of Scorpius.

zodiac signs as monstersvia 


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