12 Memes That Perfectly Describe Your Life During Summer Break


Summers are really the best time of the year. It’s about going to foreign trips, visiting grandparents and enjoying with friends. No! The reality is completely opposite. People wait for summers the whole year but when it actually comes, they waste it by sleeping, eating and watching TV. Summer break can’t simply be illustrated without memes.

The new generation is trapped in the internet and digital media. Summer breaks, now a days, are not as fun as they used to be in the 90s. So, Let’s see how kids these days spend their summers.

These Memes perfectly describe the life of new generation during the summer break and it’s not quite interesting. Just saying.

1. Summers are pictured as fun and enjoyable days of the year but the reality is completely contrary.

memes summer break


2. The morning routine really gives a hard time. And when you finally get used to it, it’s already spring.

memes summer break


3. Summer break homework!! The worst nightmare of a student’s life. 

memes summer break


4. Memes are the only life saver in the summer break. They help make summers less boring.

memes summer break


5. The boredom doesn’t lower your love for the summers. 3 months are still not enough to enjoy vacations.

memes summer break


6. Plan of going abroad for summers? Well, your budget doesn’t allow you. So you better stay home and watch TV.

memes summer break


7. Every passing day of the summer vacation gives you a mini heart attack because no one wants it to end.

memes summer break


8. The hot  and unpredictable weather really makes you curse summer season. It’s the worst!!!!

memes summer break


9. It’s the best feeling in the world when you get up early in the morning and realize that there is no school today.

memes summer break


10. Summers are really all about junk food, TV and internet. And the weird thing is you actually like it that way.

memes summer break


11. That proud moment when you finally finish all your summer break homework.

memes summer break


12. But in the last few days, we end up missing school. It’s not about the school but the friends that students actually miss.

memes summer break



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