This Model Walked Half Naked On The Streets Of Manhattan And No One Paid Any Attention!  


How observant do you think the general public is? Most of them mind their own business right? Model Pranksters TV put this to test and had their model Leah Jung walk half naked on the streets of Manhattan.

Also read These People Are Completely Insane When It Comes To Clothing! 

Model half naked streets


Model Leah Jung agreed to strip from the waist down, have fake jeans painted on her legs and walk the streets of Manhattan half naked.

Time For The Paint. It Has To Look Real To The Naked Eye. Which Is Why The Details Are Done Painstakingly. 

Model half naked streets


The body painters from New York did a terrific job at Jung’s body.

Painting The Body Of An Individual Takes Hours To Complete. 

Model half naked streets


Such patience. 


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