20 People Confess About The Worst Gifts They’ve Ever Got


People shouldn’t complain about the gifts they get. As per a popular saying, no gift is big or small but to be honest, the difference does exist. We do get gifts which are no way good at all and we literally hate it. I know even you must have got something which you must have hated to the core. These worst gifts literally destroy the whole mood of the party and celebration. Why can’t people at least think of before gifting something? At least I think at least a hundred times before getting something for someone.

Read More: Times When Pets Brought The Most Unexpected Gifts For Their Owner

Here are 20 worst gifts people shared on Whisper that they ever got!

1. Talk about the worsts gift people ever got, here is the top one.

People Confess About The Absolute Worst Gifts They've Ever Got

2. Um! At least that’s thoughtful and useful. People don’t even get that at times.

People Confess About The Absolute Worst Gifts They've Ever Got

3. And people say parents are not mean, here is an example.

People Confess About The Absolute Worst Gifts They've Ever Got

4. Wait, the slinky isn’t really one of the worst gifts but getting it on valentine’s day sucks for sure.

People Confess About The Absolute Worst Gifts They've Ever Got

5. That’s kind of cute, right? And you are always a kid for your grandparents.

People Confess About The Absolute Worst Gifts They've Ever Got

6. Maybe that’s one of the reasons why he is your ex-husband.

People Confess About The Absolute Worst Gifts They've Ever Got

7. So, that indeed is one weird gift this lady got.

People Confess About The Absolute Worst Gifts They've Ever Got


People Confess About The Absolute Worst Gifts They've Ever Got

9. Well, let’s just say stay away from that friend then, it would be better for you.

People Confess About The Absolute Worst Gifts They've Ever Got

10. I don’t really know what to say on this. She indeed got the gift a bit before time.

People Confess About The Absolute Worst Gifts They've Ever Got

11. How can free beer be one of the worst gifts? People would die for this.

People Confess About The Absolute Worst Gifts They've Ever Got

12. Ouch! That must have hurt so bad, I can’t even imagine.

People Confess About The Absolute Worst Gifts They've Ever Got

13. Rachel Green, is that you? I am very sure this confession is by her.

People Confess About The Absolute Worst Gifts They've Ever Got

14. Now that’s how you treat bad gifts. Lady, you are an inspiration.

People Confess About The Absolute Worst Gifts They've Ever Got

15. Um! Did both the cards say Merry Christmas? Because that would have sucked big time.

People Confess About The Absolute Worst Gifts They've Ever Got

16. Who on earth gifts an expired jar of peanut butter? Didn’t you ask your mother about it?

People Confess About The Absolute Worst Gifts They've Ever Got

17. Maybe he still took you as a child. I mean, why else would he give anything as such?

People Confess About The Absolute Worst Gifts They've Ever Got

18. One of the best worst gifts confession here. 

People Confess About The Absolute Worst Gifts They've Ever Got

19. You should have killed the person who gifted you the spoon.

People Confess About The Absolute Worst Gifts They've Ever Got

20. I guess this is one gift every kid gets at some time or the other of their life.

People Confess About The Absolute Worst Gifts They've Ever Got


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