People Who Prove Married Life Isn’t Always Easy


Marriage is simply known as two people tying knots for the rest of their lives and continuing the family bloodline obviously. Married life looks really good and amazing from outside when we observe people and see in some movie or so. Why don’t believe it if it looks romantic and beautiful? But remember in movies earth has been destroyed many times and there are superheroes, aliens, zombies and what not. So, if that can be deceiving and fake this can be too. Yeah, married life is also hard to predict and isn’t easy as they show. Here are some couples who proved this fact that that life isn’t that easy:

But remember in movies earth has been destroyed many times and there are superheroes, aliens, zombies and what not. So, if that can be deceiving and fake this can be too. Yeah, married life is also hard to predict and isn’t easy as they show. Here are some couples who proved this fact that that life isn’t that easy:

1. This woman is complete savage!

My friend made this for her husband from funny

But still, at the end of the day, it’s their anniversary!

2. You call this a fact or what but men don’t remember any dates!

I needed to borrow my wife’s phone… she said her password was our anniversary. I gave the phone back and said I didn’t know what happened. from funny

On the other hand, women even remember the exact time in seconds and even milliseconds sometimes.

3. This isn’t really a good way to get attention! 😂😂

The dad wouldn’t only have given her attention her also would have given her a warning.

4. This is really hairs!



I can say that arranging them would be totally gross.

5. The best cooking a man can do is when he’s drunk…

What my husband left in the fridge for me this morning. from funny

Because that’s the only time he’s gonna willingly cook and like it as well.

6. She’s still lucky to have found it…

Because most men forget such stuff and then it’s lost forever. 


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