15 People Reveal Worst Things They Did To Their Siblings.


They say that “Your siblings are the only enemies you can’t live without” and I say that they are cent percent correct. And people having siblings will surely agree on the fact that sibling rivalry can turn into real shit at times. Stealing food, hiding things, getting them caught up are just some of the things we all have been a part of. The worst part of all this is that siblings can be really pesky and this is when the exact vendetta kind of feeling arises. You end up despising them and this leads to a home war kind of condition.

Here are some of the worst things that actually did happen between siblings, Meanwhile, I’m pretty sure that you all may have a serious déjà vu Remembering your own moments.

1. I had the same misconception. *Hides Face*

15 People Reveal Worst Things They Did To Their Siblings.

2. Well, well and well, this depicts a real war situation.

15 People Reveal Worst Things They Did To Their Siblings.

3. Oo! We could clearly see a future boy that is Tuna-Phobic. 

15 People Reveal Worst Things They Did To Their Siblings.

4. Okay, nothing new. I’ve been pulling this crappy trick since ages.

15 People Reveal Worst Things They Did To Their Siblings.

5. I wonder how cruel the aftermath would’ve turned out to be.

15 People Reveal Worst Things They Did To Their Siblings.

6. Just in case you have a bibliophilic sibling, try this one and I’m pretty sure that nothing will piss them more than that. 


15 People Reveal Worst Things They Did To Their Siblings.


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