12 Photos Which Remind The Internet How Real The Friendzone Is


“Friendzone” is one of the most used terms on the Internet, lately. I mean, there is always a great debate going on about what real friendzone is. Basically, it is a situation in which you land up after your crush doesn’t want to date you but still does not go away. Rather, the crush becomes a very good friend of you and makes you do all nonsensical stuff which you would have never even dreamed of. Showing all those niceness and fulfilling friendship is real from your side just because you think that it will all pay off someday and the friendship would turn into love. Well then, let me remind you, you are definitely living in a bubble and that is never going to happen. Such a situation is real, very frequently found and is called the friendzone.

It can be a bit embarrassing for you when you actually realise how much of a fool you were to have been showing all those niceness and doing everything you could, only to get the tag of a best friend but that’s how it is. If you are stuck in the friendzone, don’t feel bad about it. Many teenagers are in the same place waiting for love to knock at their door only to realize it’s never gonna happen. Friendzone is indeed a real thing and a measure of trolling somebody on the Internet too. The moments which is humiliating for the person in the friendzone is actually real funny for the other people on the Internet.

The pictures you are about to see is going to remind you that friendzone is real and hilarious.

1. When it is hash-tagged, believe that it’s permanent.photos which remind us how real friendzone is.


2. You do everything which a boyfriend should do but still, you’re “one of her best friends”. Just imagine how many guys are in her friendzoned list.
photos which remind us how real friendzone is.

3. Friend can get promoted to Best Friend but never to lovers. I repeat, never.
photos which remind us how real friendzone is.

4. Repetition of that word proves how cemented the “friend”ship is.
photos which remind us how real friendzone is.

5. I can’t believe this is real. She loves to remind that guy that he is friendzoned. How embarrassingly hilarious!
photos which remind us how real friendzone is.

6. You hangout with each other, yet you guys are not dating. That’s one of those very awkward situations where you can relate yourself to her “back up valentine”
photos which remind us how real friendzone is.


7. That pain behind his smile is about to make me cry.
photos which remind us how real friendzone is.


8. Again, special friends, but not lovers.
photos which remind us how real friendzone is.

9. I really can’t understand who friendzoned whom. Triple friendzoned?
photos which remind us how real friendzone is.


10. P.S. is not a cool thing anymore. Not for that guy, at least.

photos which remind us how real friendzone is.

11. That’s when your emotions have been boiling inside of you for too long.photos which remind us how real friendzone is.

12. Did the guy friendzone the girl? Seems so, but you never know.

photos which remind us how real friendzone is.



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