Did You Really Know What A Struggle Using The Internet Was In The 90s? Take A Good Look. 


We have it good. We really do! We have WiFi, powerful processors and what not which weren’t even possible on the 90s. People these days really don’t know the struggle of using the internet in the old days. Take a look and be thankful that you weren’t born a decade earlier.

Also read: Most Epic Social Network Comments That You Won’t Stop Laughing 

1. People Used To Have Computers That Looked Like This. 

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What were they running on, you ask? 66MHz processor, eight megabytes of RAM and a 320-megabyte hard drive for $4,400. Ridiculous right? The struggle was real!

2. The Internet Connection Was This Bad Boy. 

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A landline. The only way of using the internet was via a landline.

3. And You Couldn’t Be Using The Phone And Browse The Internet At The Same Time. 

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Because it doesn’t work like that.

4. And You Had To “Install” More Software In Order To Connect To The Goddamn Internet. 

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Barbaric times! Using the net was such a chore.

5. Not To Mention Those Weird Noises Dial Up Internet Made While Connecting. 

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You can listen to it here if you want to.  


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