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Amazing Names That Lovers Call Each Other in Different Countries

Love has no bonds, no religion, no language and definitely no expression that shows it. It is always an invisible feeling that two people...

These 12 Hilarious Unfortunate Names Must Have Put The Persons In...

Is it fair to name your son Willie, if your surname is Stroker or to name someone Phatt Ho? No, right? Well, common sense...

13 Passionately Beautiful Feelings You Didn’t Know Have A Name

You must have heard people saying that feelings don’t have any name. We can just feel them but it isn’t difficult to describe them....

12 Awkward Confessions From People Who Forgot Their Date’s Name

These awkward confessions that we will be going through will make you think about the fact that striking up a conversation or overcoming nervousness...

The Story Behind The Name Of Different Currency Of The World

The importance of currency is known to an individual when he or she plans to travel abroad and needs exchange for the currency. It...