Things Only Poor And Average Souls Will Understand.


Being poor and average is not everyone’s cup of tea. It takes guts to be a poor and average soul because it demands more than you’re able to give. Here we have collected a few things only poor and average souls will understand just to give you the satisfaction that you’re not the only one going through this.

We all have had empty pockets at least once in our lives. And that must be the craziest yet embarrassing time of your life. Well, if life ever made you feel like a poor and average soul then you need to read these things which happen to every poor person. Get ready for the crazy roller-coaster ride.

Without further due, here are the things only poor and average souls will understand.

1. It is understandable as payday elevates you above the poverty line. Not for long though.

poor average souls


2. When even more calories make you happy.

poor average souls


3. Because your life is centered around free stuff as that’s the only thing you can afford.

poor average souls


4. Well, at least you can touch them or even try them.

poor average souls


5. Facing the harsh reality of your bank account.

poor average souls


6. When you are broke as heck, but still can’t manage to say no to your friends.

poor average souls



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