7 Things We Say When We Don’t Know What To Say


Ah! I hate it. Hate it more than I hate the pain I have to go through when my pinky toe bangs on the edge of the table. But what is it that I’m talking about? Well, it’s that awkward moment when I run out of words, and helplessly use some really common phrases which may save me from the embarrassment of a cumbersome situation. This is something that most of us must’ve experienced. We all know how it feels, and we all hate it.

This sudden-chat-ending syndrome occurs mostly when it’s the second or third time we are meeting a person, and we have run out of ‘usual getting to know’ questions. Our smart Brain starts digging deep down to find if there are things that we can say, to save us from drowning in the sea of embarrassment.

Upon making a few unsuccessful attempts, it hands us over some common things we say, when we don’t know what to say. And that is what we have got here today. Let us sail through these really generic phrases that people (including me) often use to keep the conversation going.

  • Really?

Things We Say When We don't know What To Say


‘Oh really?’ that’s how excited we portray ourselves when in reality, we know how much f*cks do we give. This is the easiest thing that can keep the conversation going, provided the one you’re talking to, isn’t using the same trick on you!

  • That’s cool.

Things We Say When We don't know What To Say


Yeah, I know it is. And so do they. But still, we say it. Why? Because we want them to know we are paying attention when we actually don’t know what’s happening bruh!

  • Oh Wow!

Things We Say When We don't know What To Say


Is the person introduced alien life to you? Is he taking you to the space? Is he offering you free pizza for an year? I don’t think you’ve heard something THAT interesting the way you’re making it look like. But still, we have to use it. It’s a necessity.

  • So, yeah.

Things We Say When We don't know What To Say


Usually used to stretch the sentence. These two words are blessed with the power of making you sound cooler and add length to whatever you’re saying. So yeah, it works!

  • Let me know.

Things We Say When We don't know What To Say


You know your friend is about to revoke his plan to join the party, but still, you have to act like you care. Well, do you? Of course not. But to pretend like you do, tell those three magical words. Let me know!

  • Anyway..

Things We Say When We don't know What To Say


Sometimes you can sense that the person you’re talking to, doesn’t even have a hunch as to what you’re explaining. At that very pleasant moment, there’s only one way to save the day. And it’s ‘Anyway’. Use it to switch to something they’ll give more shit about.

  • OMG!

Things We Say When We don't know What To Say


An abbreviated version of Oh My God is used when someone has shared something very exciting, and you have to act like ‘Oh it’s equally interesting to me as well.’

Now that you have read about things we say, when we don’t know what to say, just notice how people try these to escape the harsh reality of awkwardness breaking-in constantly. Even between two close friends who’re talking after a while, the problem of ‘how to continue’ remains intact. And that’s one problem, still in search of a solution.


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