A Tumblr Post Was Dedicated To Ugly Babies In Renaissance Paintings And It’s Hilarious


The internet is that one place which literally can answer even the weirdest questions possible. And with the development of social media sites like Facebook, Reddit, Tumblr, etc, these things have become way more advanced and easy to find. So how weird can a question actually be? Or how bizarre question someone can actually ask? Well, to be honest, one or the other Tumblr post knows the answer. In fact, this one site has everything one needs. Even the paintings of ugly babies.

Now, before you start judging me for using the terms paintings of ugly babies, I want you to stop. Stop and read further. We all know what the period of Renaissance is. And we even are aware of the development of art during that era. The paintings and sculptures and everything else that was made in those days is perfect to the core. Or wait, are they? This one Tumblr post shares the paintings of ugly babies. Yes, you read it correctly. The pictures are really hilarious and would even make you cringe at the same time.

The Tumblr account named Ugly Renaissance babies is the one who is collecting these paintings. And trust me, whosoever the person is, he/she indeed is good at the job. The ugly babies are indeed not normal. Some of them might even haunt you or at least make you think what exactly is happening here. So, yes, even art, at times, can be hilarious.

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Here are the ugly babies paintings as per Tumblr!

More info: Tumblr (h/t)

1.Andrea Mantegna, Madonna, and child.

 Tumblr Post Was Dedicated To Ugly Babies In Renaissance Paintings

2.This looks creepy.

 Tumblr Post Was Dedicated To Ugly Babies In Renaissance Paintings

3.Do kids like this even existed?

 Tumblr Post Was Dedicated To Ugly Babies In Renaissance Paintings

4.Oh, this baby pissed in fear!

 Tumblr Post Was Dedicated To Ugly Babies In Renaissance Paintings

5.Why does he look so angry?

 Tumblr Post Was Dedicated To Ugly Babies In Renaissance Paintings

6.Well, this baby has the perfect attitude. 

 Tumblr Post Was Dedicated To Ugly Babies In Renaissance Paintings

7.What is he trying to do?

 Tumblr Post Was Dedicated To Ugly Babies In Renaissance Paintings

8.You should not do it in public. 

 Tumblr Post Was Dedicated To Ugly Babies In Renaissance Paintings

9.He looks totally stoned. 

 Tumblr Post Was Dedicated To Ugly Babies In Renaissance Paintings

10.This is sick and kinda awkward. 

 Tumblr Post Was Dedicated To Ugly Babies In Renaissance Paintings

11.What are you doing to the kid?

 Tumblr Post Was Dedicated To Ugly Babies In Renaissance Paintings

12.He doesn’t like being held. 

 Tumblr Post Was Dedicated To Ugly Babies In Renaissance Paintings

13.This is not at all accurate!

 Tumblr Post Was Dedicated To Ugly Babies In Renaissance Paintings

14.Lol! Who made these paintings?

 Tumblr Post Was Dedicated To Ugly Babies In Renaissance Paintings

15.He is looking like he just caught someone doing something!

 Tumblr Post Was Dedicated To Ugly Babies In Renaissance Paintings

16.Why does he look so tensed?

 Tumblr Post Was Dedicated To Ugly Babies In Renaissance Paintings

17.Let’s not say anything about this one. 

 Tumblr Post Was Dedicated To Ugly Babies In Renaissance Paintings

Now that you have seen all the paintings of the ugly babies, what do you think about it? Even the Renaissance period wasn’t perfect. Though art at that time was at its best and probably those artist are the best inspiration one can have but we must admit, nothing is perfect. Not even art.

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