11 Daily Use Products That Have Parts Of Animals As Ingredients In Them


We are surrounded by some very important day to day use products. Things like beer, soaps, makeup, plastic bags and millions of other products as such have become a necessary part of our life. People keep using them and never worry about what exactly are these things made up of. We assume that these very daily use things have simple ingredients in them. But what if I tell you that most of them have parts of animals as ingredients in them? Like animal fat, skin, bones etc.

Read More: Weirdest Animals You Wouldn’t Believe Actually Exist On Earth

These 11 daily use products have parts of animals in them as ingredients!

1. Condoms

Parts of animals are present as ingredients in some condoms as well. They are generally in the form of casein, a glycerin, made from animal fat.

 Daily Use Products Which have Parts Of Animals As Ingredients In Them


2. Paints

Paint may not be counted as a daily use product but they are present all around us. Paints generally have casein, a milk product which is used as a binding agent. Even the color at times is made using pigments from cattle bones.

Daily Use Products Which have Parts Of Animals As Ingredients In Them


3. Machine tools

Some machines, the handlebars, the covers made for such tools are of animal leather for longer durability. One of those daily use products we come across every day.

Daily Use Products Which have Parts Of Animals As Ingredients In Them


4. Crayons

These used to be our daily use product when we were little kids. They also contain parts of animals as processed animal fats.

Daily Use Products Which have Parts Of Animals As Ingredients In Them


5. Plastic bags

Plastic bags are one of the most daily use products ever. Many people may not know that they contain animal fat in them. The fat is used as a surface lubricant.

Daily Use Products Which have Parts Of Animals As Ingredients In Them


6. Soaps

One of those daily use products which are found in every house. Soaps generally have ingredients like glycerin and casein which are at times made using animal fats and bones.

Daily Use Products Which have Parts Of Animals As Ingredients In Them


7. Paintbrushes

One of those products which mostly have parts of animals in them, the fur to be exact. The bristles are often made using furs of pigs, horses etc.

Daily Use Products Which have Parts Of Animals As Ingredients In Them


8. Photographic film

Bone gelatin is used in photographic films as a binding agent. Digitalization from films did do some good to animals.

Daily Use Products Which have Parts Of Animals As Ingredients In Them


9. Nail polish

This is one of those products about which all of us know that it has parts of animals in it. Well, to be precise, nail polishes have herring, an ingredient made use fish scales. These are the reasons why nail polish shine.

Daily Use Products Which have Parts Of Animals As Ingredients In Them


10. Toothpaste

Toothpaste might come as a shocker for most of us. Glycerin which is used to give toothpaste its texture is generally extracted from plants. But this process is somewhat expensive as compare to the glycerin made use the fat from animal bones.

Daily Use Products Which have Parts Of Animals As Ingredients In Them


11. Perfume

If you think that the musk smell you get from using perfumes is artificially made then let me tell you, you are wrong. These smells are from animals like deer, beavers, and civet cats.

Daily Use Products Which have Parts Of Animals As Ingredients In Them




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