Etiquette Mistakes You’ve Been Making Unknowingly!


Etiquettes of a person play a very important role in making a good impression on others and for being respected in the society. Sometimes people think that they know everything about etiquette and can run a school on this. But there are certain etiquette mistakes that majority of people do and you might be doing them daily!

Here are some of the etiquette mistakes that you should avoid.

Go through them and develop your personality.

1. Leaving Umbrella Open

etiquette mistakes


Many a time we leave the umbrella open when we enter the house and let it mess up the whole room. This is one of those etiquette mistakes which never even bother about. This is certainly not something which will have a good impact on anyone. Rather, you will make your own work more difficult.


2. Carrying Her Idea

etiquette mistakesVia

If you think that carrying her handbag is a good gesture then you are not at all right. Let her carry it herself but you can surely provide a helping hand in carrying her shopping. This doesn’t look but the former surely does.


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