This Aussie Girl Lost 198 lbs & She’s Now Ruling The Instagram!


A transformation like this is always an inspiration for people from around the world who are struggling to shed their extra kilos and look fit. This Aussie girl, Josie Desgrand has shocked others with her amazing transformation. Let’s read the story of this Instagram sensation.

Aussie Girl Lost 198 lbs

Josie Desgrand keeps on updating her Instagram with before and after photos And her followers cannot get enough of it.

Aussie Girl Lost 198 lbs

The Aussie girl is just 17 years old and she has managed to lose 198 lbs in just one year. And that is some die-hard dedication.

Aussie Girl Lost 198 lbs

She captioned in one of her photos that she used to despise her body. All she wanted to look was fit like a model, Gigi Hadid. But now she understands how to treat her body like a temple.

Aussie Girl Lost 198 lbs

She has shifted to only nutritious food and found a way to make it delicious. She is able to witness the glow on her body after each workout.

Aussie Girl Lost 198 lbs

Although she can be called ‘fit’ now but she still wants to tone up her body. Her journey is a perfect example of hard work and dedication.

Aussie Girl Lost 198 lbs

She had always been of a foodie and did not like any sport. This was the main reason why she became overweight. She used to have a large quantity of meal at once and eat very fast.

Aussie Girl Lost 198 lbs

She started growing depressed about her body. So one day she decided it is not the time to feel sorry for herself and work for it. She cut down the consumption of sugar and the intake of carbohydrates.

Aussie Girl Lost 198 lbs

This Aussie girl no more needs to go to buy older clothes just to fit in. Her new body is perfect for 8-10 dress size.

Aussie Girl Lost 198 lbs

Josie Desgrand managed to achieve her dreams of having a model-like body. Her journey has inspired many teens to cut off on junk food and keep themselves healthy.

Aussie Girl Lost 198 lbs

Her only advice to her followers is to stop procrastinating and start doing what you want right now.

Aussie Girl Lost 198 lbs

Source: Instagram


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